How to Remove a Tick

How2Too | 12:19 AM | 0 comments

Ticks can found nearly everywhere, the really out there in the summer. Ticks can carry some very dangerous diseases. suck as tick paralysis. rocky mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease, if they attached to you, we will show you how to remove them.

1. Find were the tick is. In most cases, its head will be buried just beneath the skin with the body exposed. 

2. Pour hydrogen peroxide over the tick and surrounding area.

3. Take it out with tweezers.Tweezers are provably the best thing to use to pull the tuck out.

 4. Make sure that the tick has been entirely removed. Make sure that you get the tick.

 5. Treat the wound with antiseptic. Alcohol can be used to help prevent the tick -borne disease from spreading. best to be put on right after tick is removed for full effectiveness.

 6. Keep track of your symptoms. For the possibility of Lyme disease or another tick-borne illness develops, you will need to tell the doctor what symptoms you notice.

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